Holiday Episode Part 2 Released!

Swords and Swagger - The Holiday Special Part 2

Shadow of the Jolly Lord - Part 2 Released! Hey everybody, it’s Christian Bernard your dungeon master for Swords and Swagger. This release is the final part of our holiday special! Thank you for your patience. Our journey beneath the Shadow of the Demon Lord, with Aj as the game master, is violent, explosive, and exciting. As a reminder, you can check out our Props page for our character sheets. [Read More]

Holiday Episode Released!

Swords and Swagger - The Holiday Special Part 1

Shadow of the Jolly Lord - Part 1 Released! Hey everybody, it’s Christian Bernard your dungeon master for Swords and Swagger. This release is the first part of a three parter of our holiday special. I plan to release two more parts in the coming weeks. We are playing Shadow of the Demon Lord with Aj as the game master. We do not go into great detail about this rules of the game as that would take up your valuable listening time. [Read More]

Props page!

As heard on the radio!

Props page added!

Hey everybody, it’s Christian Bernard your dungeon master for Swords and Swagger.

Just added a props page featuring our first prop from Episode 17 - A Whole Worg of Trouble.

Check it out! Props

Episode 17 Released!

Worried about worgs!

Episode 17 - A Whole Worg of Trouble - Released! Hey everybody, it’s Christian Bernard your dungeon master for Swords and Swagger. Episode 17 is the first episode starting our heroe’s journey to Amn. One ploy fails to launch and the heroes end up in a race to the finish! Series Note The next episode of Swords and Swagger will not be part of the regular series. We are planning to do a record a holiday episode on the 22nd and will be playing Shadow of the Demon Lord. [Read More]

Episode 16 Released!

Swagger Shoppe 1

Episode 16 - Swagger Shoppe 1: Supplies and Stallion - Released! Hey everybody, it’s Christian Bernard your dungeon master for Swords and Swagger. Yes that’s only one Stallion. Our heroes get their first ever interlude to do some much needed shopping and prepare for their journey to Amn. This type of episode will occur in the future between certain arcs as to allow the players to revitalize their swagger through shopping. [Read More]

Episode 15 Released!

Whale Tale

Episode 15 - A Tale of a Whale - Released! Hey everybody, it’s Christian Bernard your dungeon master for Swords and Swagger. Just as our heroes finally come ashore, they are faced with a massive shadowy creature from their past. Do they have what it takes to face down this fearsome foe? Listen and find out! We are using a new initiative system, inspired by Schwalb Entertainment’s Shadow of the Demon Lord called Challenge Initiative. [Read More]

Episode 15 Delayed!

Oh no!

Episode 15 - delayed!

Hey everybody, it’s Christian Bernard your dungeon master for Swords and Swagger.

Episode 15 has been delayed to 10-26-2019! Thanks for bearing with us!

Episode 14 Released!

A Bark from the Depths

Episode 14 - A Bark from the Depths - released! Hey everybody, it’s Christian Bernard your dungeon master for Swords and Swagger. Episode 14 - A Bark from the Depths - is released! Our heroes take a dive into the seas and face some vicious underwater denizens. Can they blub their way through this one? Listen and find out! Be sure to check it out wherever you get your podcasts! [Read More]

Episode 13 Released!

Catch a wave!

Episode 13 released!

Hey everybody, it’s Christian Bernard your dungeon master for Swords and Swagger.

Episode 13 is released!

Be sure to check it out wherever you get your podcasts! And leave a review!

Also, here is a direct link from anchor for you to sample!

Episode 12 Released!

AKA we're back!

Episode 12 released!

Hey everybody, it’s Christian Bernard your dungeon master for Swords and Swagger.

Episode 12 is released!

Be sure to check it out wherever you get your podcasts!

Also, here is a direct link from anchor for you to sample!